What Indie Authors Could Learn from the Instagram + Facebook Outage

Today, October 4, 2021 Facebook and Instagram went down in the US.

This is nothing new. Facebook and Instagram have had outages before. I have no doubt everyone will be back online soon.

That linked article said this happened this morning, but I was on Instagram and Facebook, and it was working fine, so the outage is relatively recent. (I noticed it afternoon-ish.)

The interesting thing about all of this is it wasn’t until I sent my fourth quarter email out to my list that I noticed these platforms were down. I got an alert from the news app on my phone just as soon as I pressed send.

“Oh. Okay.”

Short story: I wasn’t panicked.

This message is simple:

It would be best to have other ways of engaging with your readers outside of these two major platforms. Instagram and Facebook might be the most popular, but they are not the only social networking sites available, nor are they the only places authors should look to when engaging an audience.

If anything permanent happened to these social media sites, I’d like people to know they can still visit me online at yecheilyahysrayl.com, contact me using my contact form and sign up to my email list and blog for updates.

Many Indie Authors depend solely on Instagram and Facebook for sharing content. This isn’t even just for Authors. Many new entrepreneurs operate solely by way of Facebook pages and Cash App. 

Not good. 

If Instagram and Facebook were to be down indefinitely, people would lose contact with most of their audience.

How so?

Well, my language is poetry so to quote Najwa Zebian: “The biggest mistake that we make is that we build our homes in other people.”

Indie Authors and new entrepreneurs make a mistake when they build their businesses solely on temporary social media platforms with no means of staying in contact with people beyond that social media site.


You have 8,000 Instagram followers, but someone hacks you or Instagram dies. You have 12,000 Facebook followers, but FB’s dead too. Now thousands of potentially eager clients no longer exist. Well, they exist, but they have no idea how to contact you because:

  • You don’t have a website they can visit to support you. 
  • You don’t have an email marketing strategy for them to keep up with you. 
  • You don’t have a blog to continue to share your content. You know, the content you usually share on the Instagram that no longer exists.

Heartbreaking stuff.

Other Ways of Connecting / Interacting with Your Readers Outside of Facebook and Instagram

Every Author Should Have a Website

Not to beat a dead horse here, but you should really have an author website. We’ve talked about this guys. Your website is your home. It is where people can go to learn more about you, buy your books/services, and contact you. This is your main hub, a summary of all things you, the author. Websites demonstrate professionalism, and every professional business has one. Serious Indie Authors should have one too.


Your blog (which should be easily accessible from your website) is where you provide content. Blogs perform better traffic-wise than static websites because they are updated regularly with new material. I think having a blog and static website is a great balance.


Your email list (which should be easily accessible from your website) is a way of nurturing relationships with new readers who aren’t following your blog but bought your book and providing updates to loyal readers who want to engage with you more deeply. 

Collecting emails to a list is important for Indie Authors because POD services like Amazon’s KDP do not tell you who the people are who bought your book. You see the sale, but not the name or anything else about the customer. This means if I buy your book from Amazon, you won’t know unless I tell you. This makes it challenging to keep track of me as a new reader and build a stronger relationship with me.

This is also why you should be pushing book sales from your author website too because you have a better connection to the people buying your books. Oh, wait, you don’t have a website. See how that works?

Some readers will do you the favor of posting about your book on Facebook and Instagram. But, wait, there is no FB and IG in this scenario.

Other Social Sites

Believe it or not, other social media sites exist. Places like Twitter, Pinterest, YouTube for video, and maybe even LinkedIn can be good alternatives to communicate with your audience if the others are gone.

The point is, there are other ways of being visible online outside of Facebook and Instagram.

I hope this outage helps us to rethink our social media strategy and develop ways of moving those loyal Insta-friends over to our own platforms.

Update: All those random emails ya’ll sent out the blue yesterday to people who probably forgot they signed up to your list is like rushing out to the grocery store to buy food during a shortage rather than just stocking up before the shortage happens.

Moral: Just having an email list is not enough if you don’t use it. It can hurt you more than help you.

Meet and Greet Book Signing 11/13

On 11/13, I am hosting my first book signing since Covid. My last signing was in 2019, so I am nervous and excited to be around people again.

Please be advised we are still fighting this virus, so there is very limited space and vaccinated or not, you must wear your mask. I am also not putting in a large order of books, so first come, first served. COME EARLY.

Don’t Get Caught

Yup. I’m going to another event! Join me at the 1st Annual Atlanta African American Book Festival this Saturday! 7/14/18. Student Center from 10am-5pm EST. See you there!

Fun Fact: I’m a stickler for rules. I follow the laws and commandments of the Bible, I pay attention to Amazon’s review policy and I try to live as blamelessly as possible. I’m the person who won’t text and drive. I got a chance to get a tattoo once but I thought it was wrong so I didn’t get it. That’s me. Your law abiding citizen.  And anything you say in the comments can be used against you in the court of law (tee hee)

So, I’ve been posting to my Facebook Business page a lot and not my personal page because….you guessed it…rules!

Did you know it is against Facebook’s policy to promote your business on your personal Facebook page? 

Yup, we all do it but it’s actually illegal.

“It’s actually against Facebook’s policy to use your personal profile as a business profile.” –  Shayla Raquel

Just like giving people prizes to review your book is against Amazon’s Review Policy (and sharing the super link to your book can have Amazon to track you and remove reviews after suspecting manipulation), all that promoting you’re doing on your personal page is actually, technically, against Facebook’s policy and if they want they can delete your account.

👉Don’t get me wrong. I promote on my personal page every now and again too because, hey, an update now and then is cool, I think. Also, strangely enough, people tend to respond more to your personal posts more than your business posts even though the same people on your personal page are also on your business page. I will never understand you people.

✅ But don’t get caught! Be smart and be sure to create a Facebook business page as well and do the bulk of your promos there so it’s not like, super obvious.

👉 Here are some things you can do NOW in case your account gets deleted:

💻 You can download a history of your Facebook activity and archive it somewhere, just in case. You can do so with the following directions, from Facebook’s info page:

1) Click at the top right of any Facebook page and select Account Settings

2) Click General in the left-hand column

3) Click on “Download a copy of your Facebook data”

4) Click Start My Archive

Also, here’s a very informative post by Shayla on everything you need to create an epic Facebook page. Click here. Also, ya know, like my Facebook page while you’re at it lol.

You’re welcome!👍

If you’re in the Atlanta-land area, don’t forget to join me at the inaugural Atlanta African American Book Festival this weekend, Saturday, July 14, 2018. FREE and OPEN to the PUBLIC over 70 authors will convene in Atlanta to present their work to the Atlanta community. Journalists, editors, publishers, literary critics, and scholars from various fields will be present. Panel discussions and workshops will engage festival attendees in topics concerning literary industry tips, civil disobedience, activism, emotional and spiritual well-being, restorative justice, and health and wealth. Children’s activities include a story corner and festival dance floor.


I am one of the many featured authors and I would be honored to have your support at my table. You will have the chance to grab signed paperback copies of my books along with other authors, take pictures, take part in workshops, and meet industry professionals. Again, attendance at the festival is FREE. This is not just an entertainment event but we also seek to implement community programming that promotes black literary arts and family sustainability within our community. You can read my interview with AAABF Fest here.

Facebook Reviews

I am trying out different things so I don’t know how much it helps, but I’ll appreciate those who can assist.

If you’ve read any of my books or enjoy my blog, would you mind leaving a review on my Facebook page?

Here’s how:

Go to My Facebook Page at


Like the Page

(if you want)

Scroll down to where you see reviews. Rate and review.

  • You can write a review based on books of mine you’ve read (so if you read and enjoyed Renaissance or Stella).


  • You can write based on this blog (maybe you have a favorite segment, poetry, Black History Fun Facts, Throwback Jams, etc)


  • You can review based on my Book Reviews.

Whatever it is about my writing / blog you like in general you can review based on that.


You can comment on my pinned photo but that does not count as a review. Please leave your review under the review section for it to count.

Thanks so much for those of you who can help. I really appreciate it.



Goodnight to you.

Chat soon,



10 Free Ways to Support Renaissance


Support my work in one OR MORE of these ways:


  • Go to the book’s Amazon Page HERE and where it says ‘was this review helpful to you?’ Click on ‘yes’ to any four or five-star review that was helpful to you.


  • Join my ARC Team HERE for a free copy to read in exchange for an honest review (if you are feeling so obliged…you’ll also have access to more of my work as a member of the team).


  • Tweet this message:“The North turns out to be much more than Noraexpected.”@ahouseofpoetry  https://www.amazon.com/gp/aw/d/0692913440 #IndieBooksBeSeen #HistFic



  • Post this message to your Facebook Page: “The North turns out to be much more than Nora expected. Learn more in Book One of The Nora White Story by Yecheilyah Ysrayl. https://www.amazon.com/gp/aw/d/0692913440


  • Post your honest review to Amazon if you’ve read it. Click Here to post.



  • Reblog this post.

Thank you!

Thunder Update: Just Seventeen More People

Just a quick update on the Thunder….

We are at 83%! Whoo hoo. You guys rock.

If you are new to this blog then you probably aren’t aware of my Thunderclap Campaign. I am seeking support to help spread the word of my soon to be release: Renaissance: The Nora White Story. To learn more see Why Support My Thunderclap.

This morning, I sent my email list a detailed account of the first week’s results. At the end of this campaign, I’d like to post those results here as well. I am not doing this just for myself but I am also monitoring my results and tracking everything to see just how helpful it is to Indie Authors launching books.

But I need your help. I am almost there but to quote Brandy, “almost doesn’t count.”

There are 1,881 of you following this blog at this writing.

I just need 17 of you to support the campaign to complete it.- click THIS LINK

YUP, just seventeen.

Thunderclap is a social platform that helps people be heard by saying something together. It allows a single message to be mass-shared, so it rises above the noise of social networks. By boosting the signal at the same time, Thunderclap helps a single person create action.

While I appreciate shares of the link, it’s important for you to know that…

I need at least 17 of you to take action. To click on the link and support. It’s free and only takes a few minutes. 83 people have already done it.

It’s SUPER easy and free to participate- click THIS LINK and then click “support with Facebook” or “support with Twitter” or “support with Tumblr” or all three.

Thanks so much for the support so far. With your help, I’ll be publishing my results soon. I can tell you now that Thunderclap is not for everyone.

Update: Since posting this I have moved up to 85%. Thanks you guys! Let’s keep it going!

Why Support my Thunderclap?

Thunderclap is a pretty new platform, launching April 28, 2009. The platform is just starting to gain momentum and is still a challenge to work with for many. For that, I thought I’d talk a little bit about what it is, how it works and why I use it.

Thunderclap is easy to set up and offers both free and paid options. The program, allows individuals and companies to rally people together to spread a single message at the same time. It works by collecting social media pledges of the message and publishing that message to the social media pages of those who pledge on the same day and at the same time. The more people who support the campaign, the greater the social reach.

Here’s what Thunderclap has to say:

A tool that lets a message be heard when you and your friends say it together. Think of it as an “online flash mob.” Join a Thunderclap, and you and others will share the same message at the same time, spreading an idea through Facebook, Twitter, and Tumblr that cannot be ignored.”

Why I Use It

I got into using Thunderclap last year because I knew I would not be at home when my book launched and would need help promoting it online.

Independent Authors wear many hats: writer, publisher, marketer, promoter, production managers, editors, and designers. To some extent, the Independent Publisher must become all these. Although we will at some point outsource a lot of these things (editing, book cover design, formatting) we still dip our hands into the process at some point. As Independents, we have the added advantage of controlling every aspect of taking our book from concept to execution. However, getting our books noticed in the sea of books is not easy.

Think about it: On the one hand, anyone can publish a book. With Amazon’s Createspace, Lulu, and many others, it’s easier than ever to publish a book. In fact, thousands and thousands of books are published every day.

While the ease of publishing has made publishing easy, it has also made it a most challenging process. With millions of books published daily, how does an Indie Author stand out?

Word of mouth is still the best way to spread a message and Thunderclap can be easily compared to a digital word of mouth: a way to spread the word about something special from person to person online.

Below are some frequently asked questions about Thunderclap:

Are you being paid for my social pledge?

No. I receive no monies for your social media pledge.

Why is it called a pledge? Is this some kind of vow?

You are not vowing to do anything. It is called a pledge because Thunderclap pledges to post my message to your account one time and one time only, that is on July 15, 2017.

Thunderclap asks for permission to post on my behalf and access to certain information which I am not comfortable with.

Your information is not being shared and the process is safe. It is no different than the apps and social media pages you already have displaying a similar message asking permission to post on your behalf.

How much does it cost to pledge?

It costs you nothing. You can support an Independent Author 100% free. No agendas or hidden fees.

Thunderclap is helpful to Independent Authors like me because it gives us the opportunity to spread our message without self-promoting which people are already used to and to some extent, hate. Indie Authors on low budgets, such as myself, do not have the luxury of publicists who can promote them. I have no PRs or anyone who can generate and manage publicity for my books. I would love that but I don’t have the money to pay anyone at this time. In such instance, you, my dear readers are my publicist. Independent artists are all about the people and there’s no reason for me to sugar-coat that you are the strength behind the success of Independent Authors like me.

If you enjoy reading this blog I would be honored to have your support.

I am recording my daily actions and my experience with the program and I’d love to share it with you when the campaign is over. I’ll share what works and what sucks.

I’ve already noticed some things I could have done better and some things I’ve done well.

How to Pledge

Go to the Campaign page HERE

Decide where you want to support me and click on where you want to support where it says Support with Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr or all three. (You can help me go up 3 points with all 3!)

Screenshot (638)

Next, you will see this message below. My automatic message is displayed but you can make this your own. When you’ve finished, click on Add My Support.

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Next, you will see this screen, asking you to authorize Thunderclap to use your account. This is where some are skeptical. As stated, I’ve supported others Thunderclap myself and all it means is that on July 15th, your message (or mine) will post to your account. It does not happen more than once and Thunderclap does not post to your account at any other time.

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If you have a large social following, you can even fall into my Thunderous Supporters category as seen below which makes you look pretty cool.

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My goal is to get 100 people to agree to share the message about the release of Renaissance by July 15, 2017 (I am at 69% so far). When I hit 100, on July 15th, that message will be blasted out to all those who agreed to share, spreading my message farther than I could ever do alone.

It’s SUPER easy to participate- click THIS LINK and then click “support with Facebook” or “support with Twitter” and that’s it!

More Indie Publishing Tips

Some great tips from Don!

Author Don Massenzio

TandEFor me, indie publishing has consisted of a lot of trial-and-error to determine what things work and what things do not. Unlike other types of sales and marketing, as an author it is not only about selling books, but, to some degree, you are selling yourself. This is something I’m extremely uncomfortable with, but I’ve found some ways to adjust my approach to make it more tolerable.

This list consists of some of the things I’ve tried that have worked for me. Your mileage may vary.

Hard sell concept.

  • Blatantly asking people to buy your books doesn’t work. Instead, I’ve tried to use my blog, Facebook, and other social media to try to convince people that my work might be worth checking out. I do this by trying to entertain or teach with the material I post.


  • Word of mouth is extremely important. Your existing readers are your best salespeople. I like interacting with them…

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