Missing Blog Podcast Episodes: Should We Relaunch?

If you are just following this blog (first, heeyyy shout out to you!!) you may not know that we had a blog podcast going on a couple years ago …

…but I noticed something devastating just now.

Okay, not that devastating. Obviously, it’s not that serious, haha

No, but okay. It kinda is.

Some of our episodes are missing!

In fact, I can’t find the FIRST episode (which was kinda the best one.)

What in all the world.

Soundcloud. That’s what.

This podcast is no longer on iTunes. Listen to a select few on Soundcloud at the link below.

I started this blog podcast as kind of extension of No Whining Wednesday, where I encourage you to not whine, criticize, or complain for a 24-hour period. (learn about that here)

The podcast was a series of inspirational episodes with each message no longer than 5-15minutes so you can listen and digest the message while driving home from work or doing daily tasks. Designed to be an audio version of the blog, I hoped to spill some hope into your life, one podcast at a time.

But  I stopped…

I put a halt on the podcast because I didn’t see a big enough demand to justify paying for more space.

Sound cloud’s basic plan only allows for so much space. I was also paying to have the episodes distributed to iTunes and other platforms.

But I am now noticing that some of the earlier episodes are missing.

So blog, what should we do about this?

Should I relaunch the podcast and just promote it more?

You decide.

At the moment there are 18 episodes linked to the podcast page but you will find some links won’t work. SoundCloud has removed those episodes to make room for more space. If you think I should continue, let me know!

Keep in mind that I am already over my limit by 15mins so I physically cannot upload more eps unless I upgrade to the Pro Account. This means the demand for this to continue must justify me paying for more space. If not, things will remain as they are.

>> https://thepbsblog.wordpress.com/the-pbs-blog-podcast/ <<

The PBS Blog Podcast Ep 17: Humility

Humility is an important part of leadership. That ever-present feeling of needing to do better, to be better, to try harder. To be firm, to speak up for yourself and to establish boundaries but to also believe there is always room for improvement. To look down on others only when we are lifting them up. To accept that we don’t know everything, to be courageous enough to admit our wrongs, and to constantly push ourselves to rise to the next level.

Listen to “Humility” now on Soundcloud or iTunes


Soundcloud: https://soundcloud.com/user-573689310

Itunes: https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/the-pbs-blog-podcast/id1344901312?mt=2

Twitter: https://twitter.com/pbsblogpodcast

IG: https://www.instagram.com/thepbsblog/

To follow my personal IG page @yecheilyah

Remember that you can catch all 17 episodes by visiting the podcast page HERE.

The PBS Blog Podcast Ep 16: The Sky is Not the Limit

There is a popular saying “the sky is the limit.” It is used to display the belief that you can go high, as far up as the sky. I disagree with this saying because the sky is not the limit. There are elements beyond even the sky. You can stop at the sky or you can go above and beyond it. I want to use this as an example in today’s podcast for the potential for us to do great things without being limited. The sky is not the limit. You are.

Listen to “The Sky is Not the Limit” now on Soundcloud or iTunes


Soundcloud: https://soundcloud.com/user-573689310

Itunes: https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/the-pbs-blog-podcast/id1344901312?mt=2

Twitter: https://twitter.com/pbsblogpodcast

IG: https://www.instagram.com/thepbsblog/

To follow my personal IG page @yecheilyah

The PBS Blog Podcast Ep 15 – Discipline and Consistency

If discipline is a form of self-love then a refusal to correct the things that are wrong in our lives is a form of self-hate. Let’s love ourselves better. Tune into today’s podcast to hear more.

Listen to Discipline and Consistency now on Soundcloud for more and be sure to subscribe for notification of new episodes.

Soundcloud: https://soundcloud.com/user-573689310

Itunes: https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/the-pbs-blog-podcast/id1344901312?mt=2

Twitter: https://twitter.com/pbsblogpodcast

IG: https://www.instagram.com/thepbsblog/

To follow my personal IG page @yecheilyah

The PBS Blog Podcast Ep 14 – Everything You Do Has an Intention

Today’s podcast topic was requested by one of our listeners. A few weeks ago I posted a quote to my IG that read:

Today, I am explaining what is meant by this phrase and how intention works itself out in our lives. I am not going to say much here because I really want you to tune into this episode. If you’ve not listened to any of the previous ones I ask that you listen to this one. It’s an important topic.

Listen to Everything You Do Has an Intention now on Soundcloud for more and be sure to subscribe for notification of new episodes.

Soundcloud: https://soundcloud.com/user-573689310

Itunes: https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/the-pbs-blog-podcast/id1344901312?mt=2

Twitter: https://twitter.com/pbsblogpodcast

IG: https://www.instagram.com/thepbsblog/

To follow my personal IG page @yecheilyah

(I am always looking for inspiration! To request a topic you want me to cover, email me at yecheilyah(at)yecheilyahysrayl(dot)com)

The PBS Blog Podcast Ep 13 – Be Mindful of Negative Feelings

Be mindful of how you make people feel because that is what they remember most. Whenever sharing negative experiences be sure there is a lesson to be learned or something to be taught from it. Make sure there is something that you can give back as a result of having shared it. Remember that energy you feed gets stronger. If you feed vengeance, complaints, hatred, and strife, these emotions will get stronger and you will unknowingly begin to project these feelings on others and the feelings you don’t feed like love, compassion, forgiveness, and encouragement get choked out.

Listen to Be Mindful of Negative Feelings now on Soundcloud for more and be sure to subscribe for notification of new episodes.

Soundcloud: https://soundcloud.com/user-573689310

Itunes: https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/the-pbs-blog-podcast/id1344901312?mt=2

Twitter: https://twitter.com/pbsblogpodcast

IG: https://www.instagram.com/thepbsblog/


The PBS Blog Podcast Ep 12 – Don’t Ignore Your Internal GPS System

Your internal GPS System is your discernment. In other words, the vibes that you are picking up. Discernment is your ability to judge well. Your perception of something in an attempt to better understand it on a deeper level. Being able to comprehend the deeper part of something. I believe we all have a certain level of discernment and that it is something that we’ve always had with us. This discernment is that internal GPS system that directs us. Sometimes you walk into a room and your insides start to twist and turn and flip-flop and your nerves start to go off. Or, sometimes you are around certain people and your energy just drains, your spirits get low and you get down. Your internal GPS is telling you something about that place and about those people and warning signs are going off in your body. Stop ignoring this. Pay attention to yourself and what the universe is trying to tell you.

Listen to Don’t Ignore Your Internal GPS System now on Soundcloud for more and be sure to subscribe for notification of new episodes.

Soundcloud: https://soundcloud.com/user-573689310

Itunes: https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/the-pbs-blog-podcast/id1344901312?mt=2

Twitter: https://twitter.com/pbsblogpodcast

IG: https://www.instagram.com/thepbsblog/