Editors and Beta Readers – Vital for Independent Authors

Excellent post. Indie Authors, take heed.

Author Don Massenzio

Publishing contractThis post focuses on the importance of using an editor and enlisting beta readers if you are an independent author.

Let’s start by comparing/contrasting independent and traditional publishing. In traditional publishing, an author receives an advance (if he or she is lucky). This advance is usually a fairly small amount. The author may then receive royalties for books sold after a certain number. The royalties can vary from pennies per book to dollars if you are a bestselling author. In exchange for allowing the traditional publisher to publish your work, you receive editing, formatting, publicity, and marketing services. The quality and effectiveness of these services can vary depending on how much the publishing company believes it can make from your book. In the end, very few published authors make a living wage from traditionally published books.

Independent authors know that their world is a different one. All of the services mentioned…

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Writing to restore Black historical truth through fiction, nonfiction, and poetry.

2 thoughts on “Editors and Beta Readers – Vital for Independent Authors”

    1. Nice to meet you Martinique! Thanks for stopping through and leaving a comment on the table.

      Now, about your question….

      First, congratulations on writing your book! Big step. And if you have already started a blog you have taken a step in the right direction. I want to tell you first, that everyone’s journey is different and there are no absolute pieces of advice that works for everyone. What I will say when it comes to social media is to focus on being yourself and letting people get to know you better, not just when it comes to books but you as a person. Talk about your passions and inspirations.

      When it comes to the actual book, focus on why the content is important. Then, incorporate this message into your blog posts and social media authentically. For example, my passion is Black history and one genre I write in is Black Historical Fiction so I talk about black history a lot on this blog and on my Instagram page (feel free to follow me @yecheilyah )

      Social media is designed to be social and since your book is not out yet, this is the best time to do it! You really don’t want to wait until after the book is finished and published. Get started making connections now by sharing your interest and likes. People who are interested in those same things will connect with you. And as we become more interested in you, then we become interested in your book. People buy from people they know and like.

      So, to make a long response short lol, just be your authentic self. Let who you are bleed into your work and into your interactions with others. To start, I have an introduction interview series specifically designed to help people to get to know new authors better. You can check it out on the Introduce Yourself Author Interview page on the menu above.


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