The 32nd Year: A Reflection

I am in the 32nd year of my life journey even though the gray in the front of my locs wonโ€™t let me be great. I just had a birthday (5/26) and I am usually quiet around this time. (And yes, I do admit this is my pitiful way of explaining why *aside from author Interviews* I have not been very active on this blog). But while I have not spoken much about it or posted many pictures, I enjoyed myself and I cannot say enough how much I appreciate the outpouring of love from social media.

Like I would expect anyone to be, I am always excited about my birthday and pretty much think about it up until the day passes, though I am also usually quiet around this time because I also approach birthdays from a reflective point of view. I donโ€™t celebrate holidays, but I do honor, acknowledge, and value birthdays. Itโ€™s not something I take for granted or shrug off as a non-important since this is the day when the power of all powers decided I was worthy of entering the world. Stitching me together in my motherโ€™s womb and commanding it to hold me there until it was time to give birth.

Another birthday means another year has passed. I am quiet because I look back on the past year to see how Iโ€™ve grown and to be grateful for who I am, where I am and whose I am. I review my goals and the action steps needed to accomplish them. Am I moving or standing still? And if I am moving and if I am standing still is this reality or perception? I know that there is no greater deception than self-deception so itโ€™s important to me to honestly and realistically reflect on my life, my progress, and my purpose since I do not intend to bring last yearโ€™s baggage into this new age. Itโ€™s important to me to see the good in the finished and the unfinished work. To be grateful for where I am and celebrate on the way to where I am going. Have I wasted a year, or have I taken full advantage of every day? There is much to think about and much to do.

I do not know what this year has in store for me, but I hope I can take full advantage of the day so that next year I can look back on today and know that I have done my very best to contribute to the forward movement of the world.

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Writing to restore Black historical truth through fiction, nonfiction, and poetry.

5 thoughts on “The 32nd Year: A Reflection”

  1. Belated Happy Birthday Yecheilyah!.
    Only 32 and you’ve achieved so much in your writing……and in the words of the old Carpenter’s song…..’Only Just Begun’


    Liked by 1 person

      1. My pleasure Yecheilyah
        ๐ŸŒพ ๐Ÿ’ ๐ŸŒท ๐ŸŒน ๐Ÿฅ€ ๐ŸŒบ ๐ŸŒธ ๐ŸŒผ ๐ŸŒป ๐ŸŒž

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  2. Happy Birthday EC! I thought birthdays were included in your non-holiday list, but I’m glad to see it isn’t! Soooo, happy bday again, my fellow Gem! Hope this year is everything you desire โค

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks!

      I wasn’t always this way (and many people who believe as I do don’t celebrate birthdays). For a long time, I didn’t celebrate anything and in many ways, I feel like Malcolm X lol…in that I have changed my perspective on many things and started over. I’ve done a lot of personal growth over the years so my walk is different from mainstream thought. I am big on not adding to or taking away from the word (Duet. 4:2) and I hate bandwagons. Once I understood sin to be a transgression of the law (1John 3:4), I also took on the belief that I won’t burden myself with refraining from doing something (biblically speaking) if there was no biblical law speaking against it. While I do not under any circumstances celebrate Holidays, (I believe they are all in honor of the Gods/Goddess we are commanded not to worship) there’s not one scripture that speaks against the celebration (or at least acknowledgement) of one’s birthday. That became a turning point in my understanding.


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