Why Reviewing Books is an Act of Love

Whenever I finish a book and prepare a review, I ask myself why I am doing this. Why I dedicate time reading books and time writing reviews and even more time structuring the blog post. Do you know how many times I revise a post before it goes public? Too many times. Some of the posts you love the most have been revised upwards to twenty times because I want it to be done to the best of my ability. It may not even be done right but at least I know I’ve done what I can. If I think before I speak then it means that I must also think before I write. Of course, typos fall through but the point is that to prepare and schedule a post takes time. So, after days (sometimes weeks and months) reading the book, hours writing the review and a few hours scheduling the post I ask myself, why am I doing this? This question led to this post.

Book Bloggers are individuals who offer their service as nothing more than an act of love. It is a selfless act in which the person or persons expect nothing in return. Reviewers are not paid, have no agendas and to be real, we really don’t even have the time which is why our to-be-read piles are always sky high. Book Reviewers read books and write reviews even under pressure and harsh criticism because love endures. And the real ones, those opting to give much more than glowing five stars, these reviewers give even more. Not only do they give their time and attention but they are also genuine. They open up about how they truly felt about the work and add even more value to the service by giving authors the opportunity to grow.

As I finish a book and prepare the review, I find myself feeling really good. I am not burdened or worried or obligated. I am doing what I enjoy doing and am always excited for the authors I get to promote! It humbles me to be a part of their journey. Sometimes I scroll Amazon just to see how my authors are doing.  I remember reviewing books that had just a few reviews when I reviewed them. Then I see they have ten, twenty and thirty. I smile inwardly. In some way, I helped someone to grow.

You see, Book Reviewers do this, largely, with nothing coming back to them except the valuable qualities that no one can take away because it is something that people cannot touch and that money cannot buy: Love, Respect, Dignity, and Courage.

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Writing to restore Black historical truth through fiction, nonfiction, and poetry.

34 thoughts on “Why Reviewing Books is an Act of Love”

  1. I always have reviewers in high regard. Although I did read that you’re no longer going to read anything witchy, which is fine, I am still always happy to see people are reading and sharing their thoughts.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I put it out on my blog two years ago that I wanted to review books for Indie Author, free and because its’ such a high demand, it didn’t take long before people responded and emailed me their manuscripts. But, I soon discovered I had to set guidelines and boundaries for what I wanted and didn’t want to review so I created a registration form to add more structure, along with clearly defined bullet points on what I am OK with reading and not reading. Email me and I’ll tell you more. It is not difficult to get started. yecheilyah@yecheilyahysrayl.com

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  2. But then, writing book reviews is like discussing a book with a friend. Which may actually happen when blog readers respond to the review. We may meet other people who feel the same about the book, or people who feel the reverse as we do. This is something that makes us all better people. Like reading books (and writing them 😉 ) talking about books expand our experience and our understanding.
    This is what we get as readers and as reviewers. Not a little thing, in my opinion.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. I really appreciate that someone is willing to read and review books. I do understand that it is time-consuming, and marvel that they would take on that commitment. I love to read, but as you said, it’s only part of the ‘job’. But reviews are so vitally important to an author, and very difficult to attain. Readers don’t seem to understand that telling an author their book is great and that they enjoyed it is fantastic. But sharing that opinion, and maybe a not-so-great-opinion with others is even better. Looking forward to when you review my book!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Exactly. Sharing those thoughts is so valuable to the author.

      Also, did you register for a review already? I switched emails so I’d hate to have missed it. Please email me again if you did. Thank you.

      Liked by 1 person

  4. Great post Yecheilyah. I don’t review books unless I have bought them and have read them for pleasure. But I always review. My free author promotions rely heavily on the work of the book reviewers which is why I always link to them. It is a great service and very valuable. I have included the link to the post in the Blogger Daily this evening.

    Liked by 2 people

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