Book Review Policy Changes


I will be making changes to the review policy this fall. Due to time constraints, I will be charging a small readership fee in exchange for honest reviews. Don’t worry, it’s unbelievably cheap. This change will take place on Monday, October 3, 2016. To assist in a smooth transition, I am opening up registration for those who want to be placed on my readers list. Registration is free and secures your spot once the new policy takes place. I am offering a discounted readers fee for the first 5 authors to sign up. Registration begins August 8, 2016. I will pencil you into the calendar and you pay nothing until your service begins.

Indie Publishing is a hard and long journey. In order for Self-Publishers to make even the tiniest bit of noise will require at minimum 5 reviews. Preferably, written by 5 different people, unrelated to the author and an average Amazon rating of 3.5. Reviews help a book to start conversations, helps a books Amazon ranking and dramatically boost book sales.

Review of Stella Book #3 By Mandy Peterson

I will provide an honest, professionally written critique of your book and a review that will be posted across social media to help you as an author. I treat my author friends how I want to be treated and will never insult, degrade, or embarrass my authors. My reviews are free in exchange for an e-copy (Kindle, PDF) or paperback of your book. However, due to time constraints, as stated I will begin charging a small readership fee for the reviews. This fee is to cover the time it takes to sit and read through the book (which takes a lot of time). Please visit my website to learn more (Look under the “Book Review Policy” page) Otherwise, reviews are still free (no fee) up until October. Send me an email if you’re an author looking for more reviews. I’ll be happy to do what I can to help.

  • An official PDF e-copy of the review for your records

  • Author will receive 350 – 750 words (3 – 5 paragraphs) of a detailed, honest, and quality review
  • Review posted on high traffic website and blog
  • Featured book of the month on blog and newsletters
  • Review linked to Amazon and Goodreads account
  • All reviews feature link to author website and social media accounts
  • Post review on all social media
  • Life time warranty. I support you forever.

FYI: In this digital age so many companies, big and small, are fleecing Self-Publishers by promising positive reviews in exchange for hundreds, sometimes thousands, of dollars. (I just read something on LinkedIn earlier that said a company was charging a $250 fee for reviews). That said, for those of you who know me, you know that I am loyal and will never take advantage of new authors entering this field. I know how hard it is because I’m grinding right here with you. My fee is very affordable and is only to cover time.

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Writing to restore Black historical truth through fiction, nonfiction, and poetry.

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