For Those Who Make a Home on Social Media

Photo by cottonbro studio

I’ve discovered the deaths of family members on social media from people who have my number.

I’ve watched loved ones be more open on Facebook than they are with the people they can reach out and touch.

I’ve watched passive aggression and sneak dissing become new forms of communication.

I’ve watched as people open themselves up online in unprecedented ways. I don’t judge them, but I do wonder, does this person have something to come home to?

In an age where it’s expected to parcel pieces of our souls to social media platforms in the name of vulnerability, I wonder if there is anything we still hold sacred.

Anything still holy?

Is there any part of ourselves we still keep personal? Intimate?

I wonder.

I am not a big Beyonce fan, but I agree that “we live in a world with few boundaries and a lot of access. There are so many internet therapists, comment critics, and experts with no expertise.”

For those who make a home on social media, I hope you are not giving it everything.

I hope there is still some things you keep to yourself for yourself.

You Are Valuable

Photo by Екатерина on Pexels

I don’t know who needs to hear this today, but the world is so much better with you in it. So much more wise and so much more full. So much more flavorful. Has anyone ever told you how tasteless we’d be without you? Without seasoning. No salt. Bland. There is a power in your voice and in your breath that cannot be replicated. Your anointing simply cannot be copied.

I just thought you should know that.

That someone’s life is made better because you exist. I thought you should know how valuable you are and how empty the world would be without your influence. And when I talk about value, I am not talking about the fake social media kind where we post a thousand pictures of ourselves and brag about how personal the year is.


I mean real value. The kind that makes you want to elevate your whole life.

I am not talking about a vibe. I am talking about a spiritual frequency.

And when you know your frequency (and I mean really know it), everything that touches you is also full of power. When you know your worth (and I mean really know it), you become fertile ground for precious new seeds to grow. You flourish and expand in every way.

I just thought you should know that today.