Black History Facts: The First Amazon Review is In!

Heyy, ya’ll hey. Our first review for Black History Facts is in!

This is from SLT on Amazon. Thanks so much!

“The enlightening compilation “Black History Facts You Didn’t Learn in School” questions the traditional historical narratives and highlights a multitude of noteworthy occasions, personalities, and movements that are frequently disregarded or sidelined in traditional schooling.

This book provides readers with a thorough examination of lesser-known but incredibly significant facets of the black experience, serving as a monument to the richness and diversity of black history. From African ancient civilizations to the American civil rights movement, each chapter reveals a historical jewel that offers priceless insights into the tenacity, inventiveness, and accomplishments of black people across time.

By emphasizing Black history’s crucial significance in influencing communities and cultures all around the world, it undermines the limited perception of Black history as merely a footnote in the greater story.”

My new book, Black History Facts You Didn’t Learn in School, is available now on Amazon!

Note: If you’d like to review this book on your blog, let me know!

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Writing to restore Black historical truth through fiction, nonfiction, and poetry.

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