5 Ways Reading Influences Your Perspective

I speak a lot on this blog about the power of perspective and not being limited in thought. As I made my coffee yesterday morning and thinking about a book I needed to finish, I thought about reading and the profound role that literacy plays in our lives. Perspective can be defined as:

“…a particular attitude toward or way of regarding something; a point of view.”

#1 You Are What You Read

The saying, “you are what you eat,” is used to convey the message that we should be careful what we are putting into our bodies. A stunning new report from the World Health Organization has concluded that there is clear scientific evidence that eating pork leads to cancer, and I am not just saying this because I don’t eat pork. An overindulgence in snacks such as processed foods is also not good and can hurt the kidneys and harm weight.

Just like we are what we eat, we are also what we read!

What you put into your mind has the power to change you for better or for worse.

#2. Reading One Type of Book

Do this, and you will indeed be confined to one form of thought. You can be passionate without being limited. There are books about black history that are not written by African Americans, and while I get how that sounds counterproductive, there is still some useful information in some of these books. I don’t neglect to read them because the author is not black. (I don’t even believe in white or black people. I use these terms specifically for understanding, but I believe in nations, not colors.) I read Urban Fiction sometimes, and sometimes I read Western Literature. I will not be boxed in, and I will not be limited.

#3. Neglecting Indie Authors

Readers should not limit themselves to reading only Traditionally Published books. Because you have read one poorly written Indie book, and now every Self-Published book is not good? The Shack, a book I own and have used for research for many years, started as a Self-Published Book. It became a USA Today Best Seller and is being made into a movie.

As an Independent Author, I must support this community. If I am reading something, like a classic novel, I make sure that I also have an Indie book to read, and since I am a book blogger, I always have an Indie book on hand.

Indie books also tend to be cheaper than Trad, so there’s really no excuse. You probably spend more on lunch and coffee. Two dollars and under a month (for an eBook) is not expensive. Go the extra mile and buy the paperback. Pick an Indie Author whose books you love that are well-written and support them. Or, pick a slew of Indie Authors and purchase at least one book a month. How can you really support Indie Authors (or change the way you think of us) if you don’t read our books? How can you say all Independent books suck if you’ve never read any?

#4. Neglecting Trad. Published / Classics

The door swings both ways, people. Don’t neglect the Traditionally Published books and Classics either. Mainly since many of them are well-written. This next part may be sensitive for some of you, but it is the truth:

Be Careful Reading Poorly Written Books

This is mainly for the writers out there. Balance is everything. I’m an Indie Author, and I support Indie Authors, but disregarding the elephant in the room is just naive. While I enjoy Indie books, not all Indie books are well-written.

I have a genuine love for reading, so it matters little to me how a book is published. I read Indie books, classics, and traditionally published books. This is important to me because if you keep reading books that are not up to par, you can only begin to write just the same.

I am not saying Indie books can’t compete with literary classics or traditional publishing. I am saying there are still lots of Self-Published books that are just not well-written. To continue to read this kind of material is counterproductive.

#5. Morals / Values

I saved this for last because I know how sensitive we are about anything that we “perceive” to be religious. However, it must be brought up and goes back to the first bullet point: You are what you read.

There are lots of great books for research purposes, and then there are books that are not worth the time. 

While some readers are strong enough to “chew the meat and spit out the bones” – meaning to dissect the worthy information and apply it without ingesting the falsehood – some readers are too sensitive to do so. In other words, it wouldn’t take much convincing for them to be negatively influenced or adopt a foreign belief.

If you know that you are easily swayed and unstable in your thoughts, you may want to stay away from particular literature that has the potential to change who you are.

Sure, I have books on the importance of watching what I eat, but I will not become a vegetarian Goddess who condemns all meat-eaters because we should love animals.

That’s what I am talking about. 

As I say, staying true to yourself is a priority. Some books are not worth the time, and we must learn to discern what those books are. People walk around, like reading is always a good thing. In some instances, it is not. Everything has a balance to it. Some books are bad for you, just like there is food that is bad for you. Make sure that as you read, you are also paying attention to yourself. Reading can influence your perspective in more ways than one.

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Writing to restore Black historical truth through fiction, nonfiction, and poetry.

18 thoughts on “5 Ways Reading Influences Your Perspective”

  1. This is a really great post with a lot of valid points. especially #2, #3, and #4. I recently put out that I was open to reviewing books for Indie Authors and I received my first request from a Superhero novelist Brian W. Foster. I have never read this genre directly before and my eyes are opened. I also recently read an absurdist A.M. Hounchell which is a really good author despite the Indie pitfalls regarding editing and layout. I’m a HS English teacher, so I can’t get away from the classics…So many books, so little time. Reading outside “your” genre can really help to inspire.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. I could probably agree with that view. I think that perhaps reading other forms of writing would inspire you. I am not saying that isn’t something that I wouldn’t do for my next point I want to make here, and that is, I generally remain mainly close to the genre I usually specialise in as I want to follow a particular style. By reading the same genres of books I write I feel that my material will give me the ideas on the page that I want to express that is particular to the style that is designed for that kind of book in the way that it works well when you write it.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. That is accurate, indeed. The bulk of the books I read are still in the genre to which I specialize in but I balance it with other books as well because for me reading serves many purposes in addition to teaching me how to write. Thus, I may be reading a book for a purpose other than to follow the style but maybe to be educated. Or as you’ve stated, inspired. For me life is always about maintaining a proper balance in all things which is how I strive to live my life. Thanks for following this blog and leaving a comment on the table!

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  2. Wonderful tips. I once read a novel that had all miserable and misguided characters. Of course I finished it because the author was a best seller. Still, some times it’s best to put it down if your dissatisfied.

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  3. Thanks very much for clicking a like to my comment that I printed on this page. It is much appreciated that you’ve given attention to what I’ve said about your content and the fact that you liked it this news is really good to hear that.

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