Seven Factors in Generating Interest in Your Book

Don gives some excellent advice here!

Author Don Massenzio

This post may go against the idealist author’s idea of what sells books. As someone who has had varying levels of success, I now have a large enough sample size that I can tell you what I have observed with regard to what attracts readers to Indie Authors and their work.

mailing listYour Following

The most important factor in the success of a book is the author’s group of followers. This is typically measured not by how many likes you have on your Facebook author page or by how many Twitter followers you have. This following is generated by getting people to subscribe to your content, typically through the creation of a mailing list.

At first I thought the idea of cultivating and maintaining an email list was outdated and cumbersome. I’ve since found that neither one is true. An email list is a group that can help you evaluate your ideas. It’s…

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Writing to restore Black historical truth through fiction, nonfiction, and poetry.

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