The Stella Trilogy

Title: The Stella Trilogy
Author: Yecheilyah Ysrayl
Author Website:
Twitter Handle: @yecheilyah

(1) Stella: Between Slavery and Freedom

In volume one, Cynthia McNair and her boyfriend, Alex, discuss certain racist attitudes toward black people. They go to see Cynthia’s grandmother Sidney McNair, who tells them the tale of Stella, an ancestor who was held as a slave. Cynthia is unaware of her African heritage and how deep this rabbit hole gets.

(2) Stella: Beyond the Colored Line

We go further into the history of the McNair family in volume two. Stella, who was given her great-grandmother’s name, is teased by her classmates because of her fair complexion and struggles to fit in to a world where she is too light to be Black. That is until a conversation with Aunt Sara, who regularly passes for white, inspires Stella to do the same, a choice that will profoundly affect not just her life but also the lives of her children and grandchildren.

(3) Stella: The Road to Freedom

Jo and his friends, eager to experience life on their own, have quit school and the lives they were leading in order to join the movement. The seven friendsβ€”three black and four whiteβ€”set out on the road with no money and practically no plan when they are stopped by a racist cop who forces them out of the car. The teenagers are unaware that a group of Klansmen is waiting for them at the bus station in New Orleans. Learn how Joseph and his friends realize that freedom has never been free in the third Stella Trilogy book.


Lisa Tetting. 2nd Place Winner of The Stella Trilogy in the Stella Spring Giveaway, 2015.

About The Stella Trilogy:

The Stella Trilogy is a historical fiction series that was first released between 2015 and 2016. It stands out because it focuses on one woman’s journey of self-discovery against the backdrop of the struggle of African Americans for freedom, justice, and racial equality. In this three-part drama, we see how three people struggling to conquer the same obstacle while living in different eras are meticulously woven together by one blood.

The Stella Trilogy is Back!

New covers, New Edits, and an Alternate Ending!


Follow Yecheilyah On Goodreads

Book 1
“Yecheilyah Ysrayl takes us on a colorful and thought provoking journey through the eyes of a mulatto slave woman Stella. Generations later, Stella’s descendant Cynthia Mcnair has no idea of Stella’s life as a slave, nor the true identity of their bloodline. Since Cynthia is a racist she is in for a rude awakening. Stella is reminiscent of a wonderfully written slave narrative, a story of history and pain, it is brilliant opener of the Stella series.

-Kathryn Reed

Book 2

“Stella: Beyond the Colored Line is a fascinating walk through the ages–from slavery, to segregation, to the black power movement, to modern times. Through the eyes of one mixed race woman, the author touches on major events in African American history, allowing the reader to experience them in real time. The story deepens when Stella decides to live as a white woman and raise her children as whites. As her family grows and develops within a changing society, Stella and her children reveal complex perspectives and attitudes that make it clear that it doesn’t matter who your ancestors were. Nothing is just simply black or white.”

-Christa Wojo.

Book 3

“The third in a series, The Road to Freedom – Joseph’s Story is able to stand alone. However, in order to get the full experience of the story arc, it would be a good idea to start from the beginning. It was very well written. Historical without being boring. Accurate but not preachy. Brutal without over-dramatizing. It would be appropriate for teen and adult readers alike. In particular, I would recommend it for literature classes or history classes. It’s only 65 pages long and it provides ample discussion topics with authentic learning opportunities. Adults who want to read it for personal growth should absolutely do so. I finished this book days ago, and I’m still thinking about it.”

– Mama Pete

The Author

β€œYecheilyah is a gifted poet and writer of which I have had the pleasure of getting to know the last couple of years. She writes evocative literature dedicated to the promotion of African American culture and American literature.”

– Colleen Chesebro

β€œI consider myself and anyone else aware of her to be pretty lucky already as this author has a pretty powerful perspective and is more than capable of articulating her experiences and thought processes as it relates to the cultural upbringing of the African American experience. Her name is Yecheilyah Ysrayl.”

– Dottie Daniels

57 thoughts on “The Stella Trilogy”

    1. Hey hun, I have been thinking about you! I think my foresight is kicking in *EC sees Lisa nominate her blog in the future* But no, how are things? Now you know I accept this award. I am totally epically awesome.OK let me stop playing lol πŸ™‚

      Liked by 1 person

  1. Oh my goodness, now if only I could write blurbs like this. I was on the edge of my seat for a summary! Historical fiction is so touchy for me as I am already an extremely emotional person but I am preparing myself for my waterworks. We just started a book club, I can’t wait to bring it to the table!

    Liked by 2 people

  2. That is one crowd pulling blurb. Congratulations. I do not do historical books but will have to give at least one of them a try at some point. Who knows, I may get hooked. πŸ™‚

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Hi,
    I know Linds, Deb, and Lisa
    Concerns over racism are timely.
    I met you on Danny Ray’s site. Congratulations on being his featured blogger. I was his featured blogger too! Maybe you can check out my blog if you need a blogging tip or two. That’s what I write about.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Well I have officially received my books Stella 1&2 figured I’ll get caught up b4 the release of the “The Road to Freedom”. Just finished reading Stella 1 and I must say; different but loved it! You did it EC! Big ups πŸ™‚

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Hi Yecheilyah, I just read the preview to your newest book “Stella the Road to Freedom” and it captured me. I see the books are available on Kindle so it looks like I’ll have to visit Amazon. I’m glad Jason did your review. Steph

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Your books sound dangerous for the boys, but an exciting adventure awaits I think! Stopping by from Marquessa’s party. Nice to meet you.


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