Chasing Time


If you weren’t such an important part of the way we measure our existence, I would call you a coward. Why you choose to hide behind second hands and between work schedules I would never know. You slip away from us with the ease of the wind; attaching only seconds to the opportunity to pour heart matter onto paper or spill thoughts onto the screen. You make it difficult for me to drain creativity out of the dust you’ve left me with. I hurry to catch up to you, forcefully picking up the pace of my fingers that heave in and out of breath. They say its good practice writing everyday so I fish for a way to transliterate thoughts against a racing pulse. Time. It is no secret your lack of compassion. It is the chit chatter of every inanimate object that you wait for no one. Sometimes I wonder if you really exist at all. If clocks and 24 hour days is just a mask you wear to disguise your invisibility; if you are truly infinite. I doubt I’ll find a place for you among the galaxies, or deep beneath the sea. This will mean that we will never actually catch up to you, and must instead appreciate your presence when it is near. Time. The only uninvited guest we hope will out stay his welcome.

Tree Change Dolls: Woman Re-Touches Make-Up On Dolls tree-change-dolls-sonia-singh-1kfcyjozo44kz6qqnuuvz

This is so cool. I really enjoyed watching this video and meant to upload it to my page about a week ago after coming across it on another blog. Today, children are constantly being told, inadvertently, to grow up faster. From being introduced to sex in kindergarten to being allowed to wear make-up and fake fingernails, we are not giving innocence and naiveté a fair chance. When I was growing up, for instance, Barbie dolls had no private parts, now Ken has a penis. It was not to shy children away from the reality that real men have private parts, but it was done so, at least in my mind, to preserve the child’s innocence. But anyway, the point is that I think what this woman is doing is very noble. Even though she wasn’t intentionally trying to do it, by re-applying the make-up to these dolls she’s making them look more innocent and child-like than they did before. It would be great if she started a store, I would definitely order dolls for my daughter from her.
